Archive for June, 2013

I have been striving to cut down the length of my video promos over time, and I think I finally got it to where I want it! 🙂

I’m sure I will tweak it, play with it and make further changes to it… but for now, what do you think?  Straight, to the point?  Lol!  Thanks for watching!  Just click on the slide below to watch:

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Every now and then I run into something so crazy good I have to share!  Ok, I did more than share this… I’ve been blasting this all morning over FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and now my own blog…

Why I haven’t done so any earlier than this, I couldn’t tell ya… Must have been timing.  I had been scrolling through my FB news feed and saw a post showcasing a video highlight of a wedding.  I took a couple of minutes and watched… then visited Matt’s Business page, and took several more minutes watching others!  And I don’t even like weddings that much!  I mean, I like the parties, lol! But, weddings/marriage hasn’t always been my strong point!

So, do yourself a favor.  Click on the pic below to be directed to MI Studios Blog, and prepare to be wowed!!  Hope you enjoy his work as much as I did:

MI Studios

That would be the sound of AWESOME new homes being built!  We have 3 floorplans being built right now, ranging in price from $189,900.00 to $239,900.00!!  Unbeatable pricing for New Construction in Davenport…. AND don’t forget, Davenport NOW is still available!!

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The real estate community is often criticized for always seeming to have a Pollyanna attitude about the housing market. Many believe that the industry’s current call to buy now is nothing more than a scare tactic with the sole purpose

via Buying a House: Is Now the Time?.

This is awesome!

Posted: June 10, 2013 in Uncategorized

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Coolest QC Website!

Coolest QC Website!

After witnessing the housing bubble ‘pop’ just a few years ago, many would be buyers may be hesitant to pull the trigger. Today, we want to explain that the greatest risk a buyer can take right now is actually waiting

via When To Buy a House? RIGHT NOW!.

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The housing market is recovering so nicely that it has caused some to wonder whether a new housing bubble is forming. Today, we want to explain that the fear of a new pricing bubble in real estate is unwarranted. Trulia

via Housing Bubble: Is There a New One Forming?.